The Artist and Author
Rabbi Yonah Weinrib specializes in elaborate manuscript illumination, combining a wide array of art techniques and media to enhance his exacting calligraphy. An accomplished author as well as an artist, he has published volumes on Bar Mitzvah, Bat Mitzvah, the Jewish wedding, Hallel, the Manuscript Shiron series (Grace After Meals), Megillat Esther and an internationally acclaimed edition of Pirkei Avos/Ethics of the Fathers. His current work in progress, his magnum opus, is The Illuminated Torah on the Five Books of Moses. Rabbi Weinrib’s illuminations, designs and writings contain a fascinating interplay of artistic imagery and profound research based on traditional texts and sources, creating a “visual Midrash.”
Rabbi Weinrib has exhibited and lectured internationally, and has been commissioned to design presentation awards for numerous Jewish organizations, as well as heads of state. His work is found in prestigious museums, galleries and private collections around the world.
An Evening of Art and Inspiration
As an exciting program and potential fund-raiser, Rabbi Weinrib is available for a fascinating art program and exhibition, An Evening of Art and Inspiration. A professional DVD presentation and lecture will inspire your audience with the dramatic interplay of Torah and the arts. Join the many cities around the country and beyond where Rabbi Weinrib has been hosted for a successful cultural and educational fundraiser. A handsome percentage of all sales at the Art Reception will benefit the school, shul/organization hosting the event. Call for more information on how you can benefit from this enriching and stimulating program.
Scholar in Residence
Where an evening with one presentation doesn’t suffice, Rabbi Weinrib is available for a weekend long Shabbos of lectures and presentations, capped by an exciting Art Presentation fundraiser. Communities from Pittsburgh to San Diego have benefited from his informative and though provoking messages, including topics such as Jewish Art vs. Secular Art, Visual Perceptions/Spiritual Reality, Letters of Eternity: Secrets of the Hebrew alphabet, Challenges of Life – In Black and White and Color, Parsha/Pirkei Avos, and the Jewish Life Cycle.
Call for information about scheduling a presentation in your community and the accompanying costs of hosting the event.
I write to you to congratulate you on your beautiful production of the illuminated Ethics of the Fathers. Both in its contents and its artistry the volume is strikingly attractive and gives the famous text a new dimension of understanding. The work merits wide distribution, and I hope it will win the acclaim of many readers and disciples.
Lord Rabbi Jacobovits z”l, Former Chief Rabbi of Great Britain
…We have been proud to exhibit your work at the Jewish Museum; it reflects so perfectly everything we represent.
Jewish Museum, San Francisco
This artistic interpretation is inventive, modern and thought provoking. It helps transmit eternal Jewish messages in engaging contemporary form.
N. Berman, Skirball Museum
It is a beautiful Torah with artwork that is illuminating, which helps conceptualize and bring to life the word of the King and His statutes.
Rabbi Israel Meir Lau, Chief Rabbi of Israel
"How can you honor Him? By that with which He has endowed you.” This verse is certainly appropriate regarding my dear friend, the exalted outstanding Rav, Rabbi Yonah Shimon Weinrib shlita. He is well known throughout Jewish communities through the illuminating artwork…
Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel z”l, Rosh Yeshiva Mir Yerushalayim
In his work on the order of parshiyot of the Torah on the Book of Exodus, he exactingly rendered them, all based on that which is explained in the words of our holy Sages and the early and latter commentaries, and every artistic image has lessons to help one understand the subject matter.
Rav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz
And therefore…in this generation, it is very urgent to portray, and to explain, and to help visualize all that is learned. This is so that the subject matter is settled in the mind and onto the heart as it is also incorporated visually.
Rabbi Yaakov Hillel
The Artist's Vision

“What makes Jewish art unique? Is it merely art on a Jewish theme? Is it the imagery that explores the visual dimension of the painting or rendering…or is it much more? True Jewish art, Judaica, is art that not only enlightens the eye, but stirs the soul and inspires the imagination. In my work, spanning over 40 years, I have been blessed with a gift from Hashem to fuse two passions in my life – my love of Torah and my love of the arts. The visual dimension is exciting, but I hoped that my illuminations, and particularly my art publications, would take the viewer beneath the surface of the text to see the texts through the exalted vision of our Sages throughout the generations. My palette is my pulpit…the opportunity to explore the rich elucidations and messages of hundreds of years of commentaries expands the horizons of Jewish art. It is a profoundly intense, spiritual journey and I invite you to join me. If perhaps through my interpretations and artwork you have gained a deeper appreciation into the profound messages of our Sages, you will be inspired by more than the beauty of the artwork; hopefully you will be enriched by the beauty of Judaism and Torah.”
Community Exhibitions, Lectures and Permanent Collections
92nd Street, New York | Akron J.C.C. | Bible Lands Museum, Israel | Columbus Jewish Federation | Creative Alternative Gallery, NY | Detroit J.C.C. | Goldman Gallery, Israel | Hartford Town Hall | Hebrew Union College, Ohio | International Judaica Fair, Israel | Jewish Theological Seminary, NY | Kansas City J.C.C. | King of Jordan | Lancaster, Pennsylvania J.C.C. | Library of Congress, Hebraica Collection | Memphis J.C.C. | Office of the Chief Rabbi, Israel | Office of the President, U.S.A. | Office of Prime Minister, Israel | Portland J.C.C. | Providence State House | San Francisco Jewish Community Museum | Savannah J.C.C. | Stamford J.C.C. | Strauss Gallery, NY | Temple Judea Museum, PA | Yad Vashem Museum, Israel | Yeshiva University Museum, NY
Exclusive One-man Artist Receptions
Atlanta, GA | Albany, NY | Baltimore, MD | Belle Harbor, NY | Bensalem, PA | Boca Raton, FL | Boston, MA | Buffalo Grove, IL | Calabasas, CA | Cherry Hill, NJ | Chicago, IL | Cleveland, OH | Dallas, TX | Deal, NJ | East Brunswick, NJ | Efrat, Israel | Englewood, NJ | Fairfield, CT | Fair Lawn, NJ | Fall River, MA | Flushing, NY | Great Neck, NY | Hartford, CT | Jerusalem | Kensington, MD | Lancaster, PA | Lawrence, NY | Los Angeles, CA | Manhasset, NY | Memphis, TN | Miami Beach, FL | Monsey NY | New Rochelle, NY | New York City | No. Miami Beach, FL | Omaha, NE | Palm Beach, FL | Philadelphia, PA | Pinecrest, FL | Pittsburgh, PA | Providence, RI | Richboro, PA | Rochester, NY | San Antonio, TX | San Diego, CA | San Francisco, CA | Savannah, GA | Scranton, PA | St. Louis, MO | Skokie, IL | Teaneck, NJ | Venice, CA | West Bloomfield, MI | West Orange, NJ